Spiritual Direction is an ancient ministry in the care of souls. A spiritual director is someone who will sit with you in God’s presence and help you notice the work of God in your life.

What I love about spiritual direction (being on both the giving and receiving end) is the act of just being. It’s not about having answers, but rather, it is about the journey of faith. It’s having someone who will walk a stretch of your spiritual journey with you, and who will ask questions, and point you to Jesus.

It is easier to find guides, someone to tell you what to do, than someone to be with you in a discerning, prayerful companionship as you work it out yourself. This is what Spiritual Direction is.


A spiritual direction session consists of making space to listen to how the Holy Spirit is speaking and leading in your life. These sessions are unhurried environments (usually 60 minutes), without distraction, for prayer and conversation around what the Lord is doing in your life. It is a time of intentionally asking, “What is God saying? Where is He at work? What is He inviting you to?” These sessions can be held online or in person, and the cost of a session tends to be $40.


Joel Bidderman
Joel BiddermanPastor | Spiritual Director
I am a graduate of Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction, and a minister with years of cross-cultural experience both in the congregational and non-profit ministry. I love my local worship community of Vineyard Gilbert where I am an associate pastor and worship leader. I am a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA) and the Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona.

Looking for a Spiritual Director?

While my availability is limited, there are two places that I send people to who are looking for a Spiritual Director.


Visit the worship community where I serve and call home.

Vineyard Gilbert is a community seeking to be transformed by Christ, learning to love others in community, as we join God in his mission of healing the world.